
• 乾手時間:10-12 秒2
• 噪音等級:節能模式下為77分貝
• 額定功率:900瓦(強勁模式),650瓦(節能模式)
• 尺寸:高500x長100x寬450毫米$12,880
• 乾手時間:14秒2
• 噪音等級:81 分貝
• 額定功率:1,000瓦
• 尺寸:高159x長286x寬303毫米$16,880
• 乾手時間:12秒2
• 噪音等級:79分貝
• 額定功率:1,000瓦
• 尺寸:高100x長394x寬234毫米$7,388
• 乾手時間:10秒2
• 噪音等級:84分貝
• 額定功率:1,600瓦
• 尺寸:高661x長247x寬303毫米$11,880


1 Refers to owner's manual for specific warranty terms and conditions.
2 Dry time determined using Dyson test method 769 based on NSF P335 using a measurement of 0.1g residual moisture.
3 Dry time and energy consumption calculated for Max mode. Dry time was determined using Dyson test method 769 based on NSF P335 to a measurement of 0.1g residual moisture.
4 Average electricity price HK$ 1.3/kWh as of December 2018. For calculations visit www.dyson.hk/calcs
5 HEPA filter tested to EN1822-5, by an independent testing laboratory, under prescribed test conditions. Test Report Number: 16587A/16495A/18959B
6 Tested by an independent laboratory, under prescribed test conditions, using the bacteria Brevundimonas diminuta and the virus MS-2 coliphage.
2 Dry time determined using Dyson test method 769 based on NSF P335 using a measurement of 0.1g residual moisture.
3 Dry time and energy consumption calculated for Max mode. Dry time was determined using Dyson test method 769 based on NSF P335 to a measurement of 0.1g residual moisture.
4 Average electricity price HK$ 1.3/kWh as of December 2018. For calculations visit www.dyson.hk/calcs
5 HEPA filter tested to EN1822-5, by an independent testing laboratory, under prescribed test conditions. Test Report Number: 16587A/16495A/18959B
6 Tested by an independent laboratory, under prescribed test conditions, using the bacteria Brevundimonas diminuta and the virus MS-2 coliphage.