Share your thoughts and receive a complimentary filter.

Review steps
Step 1
Leave a review on your Dyson HP09/ HP07/ TP09/ TP07/ TP7A purifier machine1, telling us about your experience with it. (scroll down for tips on what makes a good review)
Step 2
If we publish your review and are one of the best 10 submissions4, which are most detailed & informative, you can expect an email from us by early October to verify your email address, followed by instructions on how to redeem your complimentary filter.
Step 3
Head down to our Dyson Demo Store (Elements branch) to collect your complimentary filter.
Address: Shop1093, Level One, ELEMENTS, 1 Austin Road West, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 11am - 9pm
Tel: 2326 6198
Select your Dyson machine you own
What makes a good review?
Terms and conditions
1. Program is eligible for Dyson HP09/ HP07/ TP09/ TP07/ TP7A purifier machine owners only.
2. Availability of filters are limited, while stocks last.
3. We reserve the right to not publish any reviews which we believe to be inappropriate, fraudulent or based on misconduct.
4. Qualified reviews will be published & the best 10 qualified reviews will be selected by the Dyson marketing team based on the quality of review as guided in the “what makes a good review” section and the decision shall be final.
5. Dyson does not encourage owners to provide fabricated positive reviews to receive the gift.
6. By entering, you agree that any personal information provided by you with the submission may be held and used by Dyson (Hong Kong) Limited and the reviews submitted will be published or used for other marketing purposes without notice.
7. Participation is only valid once for each machine reviewed.
8. Dyson reserves the right to withdraw, terminate or amend the terms of this program at any time.